Graphs at the click of a mouse

See first-hand how to use GraphTea to dive into the world of Graph Theory.dd


Draw Graphs

Simply using mouse, draw any kind of directed or undirected graphs and make them look special using the visual editor.

Generate Graphs

From Banana Graph to Peterson Graph, you can generate more than 50 kinds of graphs with our Graph Generators.

Apply Operators

Complement your graph, or get a Cartesian Product of two graphs, you have access to more than 20 Graph Operators.

Get Reports

Is your graph Bipartite? What is its Chromatic Number? We have more than 50 reports made available for you.

Run Algorithms

Run DFS or Kruskal Algorithm step by step and see how do they compute the results with our visual tool. You can show more than 10 Algorithms to your classroom with our interactive tool.

Visualize Graphs

Make your graph look decent and understandable with more than 5 visualization methods.

Enrich your Academic Work

You can create Latex files from your graphs to use in your academic papers.

More than that you can implement your own graph reports and algorithm to create a hands-on experience of your results.